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The single species of Baobab endemic to Australia, these historic trees thrive in the harsh dry conditions of Northwest Australia. 
Adansonia Gregorii
Synonym: Adansonia Gibbosa
Common Name: Dead Rat Tree, Gouty Stem Tree, Kuruwan, Jamulang, Gadawori (Aboriginal Australian)

The Australian baobab, assumed to be a variation of baobab carried across the ocean from Madagascar not too long ago (geologically speaking) is a smaller variety of Baobab. They often grow multiple swollen trunks and typically tap out around 30 feet tall. 

The bark is lighter than many of it’s cousins, with an orange-tint. The palmate leaves can vary from hairy to smooth, with 5 to 9 leaflets. The flowers are pale cream and green, like its African cousin. 

The drying fruit hanging low beneath the branches after the leaves have fallen give the tree it’s popular Australian name: The Dead Rat Tree. The brittle and thin pericarp usually cracks open before the fruit falls. 

Baobabs should be grown indoors during the winter if needed - they can not tolerate sustained frost. 

Baobabs will also grow to the size of their container, meaning you can create a Baobab Bonsai, or allow your tree to grow 50 feet tall over the next century.

Grown in organic/sustainable coco coir and cactus compost.

Comes with an information slip and care guide.

NOTE: Yellowing leaves are normal - these plants are growing out of infanthood and dropping their OG leaves.NOTE**** Shipping during the summer for these little dudes can be dangerous. We will wait to ship your plant until the heat has simmered a bit, if necessary.

NOTE****** Baobabs are DORMANT during Winter, meaning they drop almost if not all of their leaves. If purchasing during this time period, don't worry about receiving what looks like a small stick. It will shoot out new leaves come spring.

Australsk baobab - Adansonia Gregorii - Levende frøplante

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