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Adansonia Grandidieri - The Grand Baobab - Is one of the 6 species of baobab tree endemic to Madagascar, and is the most highly sought after, endangered species of baobabs. These picturesque, breathtaking trees grow fast and strong when given the proper care. 


Like every species of baobab, each tree grows into a unique shape depending on its environment. These are the most viable seeds of any source California Baobabs has encountered, with the highest germination rate. 


Includes germination guide. 


California Baobabs tests every source for seeds to ensure they are viable for germination. Still, baobab seeds can be difficult to germinate and I recommend doing lots of research to determine the best process for your environment. Feel free to message with any questions. 


Grow Baby Grow!

Grandidier's Baobab Seeds (Adansonia Grandidieri)

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